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09 November 2008

Citizen Journalism

So what is Citizen Journalism?

The understanding that I’ve comprehended through research is that Citizen Journalism is a global conversation among bloggers that collect, report, examine and distribute news and information. It allows individuals who are not professional journalists to use the contemporary technology to team up with others through the Internet to capture news and distribute it globally.  The intention is to present independent, consistent, precise, wide-ranging and relevant information to the public.

The types of people occupied in this act are low-income women, youth and minorities as well as those who are located in areas with minimal access to the media.

Although there are doubts from the qualified journalist that only “real journalist” recognize the accuracy and ethics of reporting news. Not only that but Citizen Journalists have been claimed to suffer several weaknesses involving the “three E’s”, ethics, economics and epistemology.

Today’s technology and media allow everyone to shape the future of news and information while influencing our values and people’s decisions towards multiple issues. It has changed the way society interact with each other as well as who and where they conduct this activity. 

Citizen Journalism allows the un-heard to be heard and to be given a chance to voice their opinion along with others who share the same interest.

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