Life's about having fun!

Life's about having fun!

09 November 2008


“You’re special; love yourself; follow your dreams; you can be anything you want to be.”

This particular article caught my interest as it discusses the significance of how individuals believe that ‘anyone can be famous, anyone can become a star’ by using modern technology. YouTube, Facebook and MySpace are social networks that connect people from around the globe where you are able to make new friends, upload videos and simply staying in-touch with the latest.

The fantasy of fame, has now become getting the ‘public’s attention’ whether its uploading an embarrassing video of yourself or trying to obtain the most friends on Facebook. Getting the attention can be either for a positive or negative reason which I reckon that each person puts that upon themselves.

To some certain extent, I believe that using the World Wide Web to promote your talent or work is ideal although people who abuse the system, I find inappropriate and are seen as attention seekers. This article details the happenings of people trying to be noticed by others and the lengths and risks they take to pursue their dreams. The Internet is just like any other medium supping real-time publishing, easy access, cheap mass distribution, interactivity all in the fun of self promotion and being someone.

People in the world today are being fed what they want to hear, not reality.. this is a media-saturated world.. whether you got talent or not, you can be out there and known.


“First you’re hot, and then you’re not.”

Check this out!

Boyceavenue's version of Chris Brown - Forever (acoustic)


Mia said...

awesome blog babe, I love your writing style, so sophisticated and

keep up the goo work!

SC said...

o0o0o0o this is so trueee like cory kennedy and so many other people doing god knows what on youtubee!!!!!!!i think people just have too much time on their hands to be making ....i dunno what theyr called. but yeaa... like you go on youtube and thers like everything about anything and everythin.. crzy! ROARR! i havent been to classes! i cant wake up that early babeeee :( i hope i dont fail =_= im still doing all my work and all!! babe havnt seen u in so long!!